AI’s Assault on Blockchain: The Amusing Account of ChatGPT’s Mishaps While Writing an HTLC Contract

Rafał Wawrzyniak
7 min readJan 24, 2023
Picture by geralt from the

I supposed it was the end of the series about how to code smart contracts allowing safe and atomic assets swap, but something made me write more from a different perspective. A new perspective of coding. A new perspective of blockchain technology.

After ChatGPT went live, it occurred that training and tutorials may go to history. The new solution developed by OpenAI and designed to have nice conversations helping people to find not-so-important knowledge suddenly appeared to have something to say regarding coding and IT technologies in general.

I interacted with the ChatGPT a while ago, trying to find the answer to which technologies may significantly impact humans. It was a kind of AI vs. blockchain challenge.

I like comparing incomparable things like apples and oranges — this is always an intellectual challenge. The result of that challenge was a draw, simply because both technologies are designed for different purposes, but both can interact with each other…



Rafał Wawrzyniak

I write and share knowledge about IT, focusing on blockchain technology and IT security. I’m an initiator and co-creator of the eVoting blockchain solution.